11 June 2010

Howdy Ya'll

We have been on quite a roller coaster lately but I wanted to give Max his appropriate boasting since he has been such a very busy 6 month old these last few days!!! After a wonderul visit in Indiana celebrating his baptism... ... Max just decided to grow up in a matter of weeks. He did not consult me in this decision and although Iwould have encouraged him to take a break from all of his growing, I am thrilled that this happy little boy is meeting such big milestones and I am so very proud of him! It brings me such joy to see the joy in his eyes when he does something new. I can't wait to be a part of all of these special moments in his life! May 30: First time in the swimming pool. He just loved it!! May 31: Scooted just a bit for the very first time. He looked like a little inchworm pushing himself with his legs. June 8: Started to crawl!! I can't believe at 6 months old he is full on moving all over the place. I thought I had a little bit more time to prepare before this happened , Max is on the move. Another item added to my job description is Referree because now Max immediately wants Gio's toys and Gio immediately wants Max's!! June 9: Max is 6 months old today!! Yaye! I can't believe how quickly this time has gone by and I'm so proud of this little boy. We have put him through quite a bit these past 6 months and he has adjusted beautifully. Although his sleeping patterns are not stellar, he is, by far, the happiest baby I have ever seen who always greets me with a smile. June 11: Tooth Watch comes to an end and Max gets his first tooth! We knew it was on the horizon but considering I thought he was going to get his tooth "any day now" for about two months, I'm glad it finally came! (from the time I started writing this to the time I actually posted it, about a 4 day span, Max got his second tooth :)) I hope to send more updates about both of our 'two boys' but this was certainly Max's moment to shine!