31 August 2011

and he is almost-four

This little boy has been asking when he can go to preschool since the beginning of 2011. Our response has always been "when you're almost four" (Her turns four in November). Gio is the little boy who, when we went to visit his school in February, cried, screamed, was hysterical...that we had to leave!! Since that day, we have been telling him that he can go to preschool when he is "almost four". Well, that day arrived and he was still thrilled to be able to go to preschool. I never understood parents making a big deal about preschool. I mean, it is only two days a week and he comes home by 2pm. Well, I am a parent now, so it is a big deal. And in our family, HUGE!
I think Bryan and I were just as excited about this day as Gio. We're so proud of the sweet, kind boy that he is. Yes, he doesn't listen, plays too rough with his brother, runs around like a mad man, but ultimately, he is our sweet, generous, thoughtful little boy who is going to do so very well in school. I do wish I could be a fly on the wall when he interacts with other children but I guess that is all a part of parenting-letting go...and he isn't even FOUR!!
When we walked him in, he walked right to his classroom, which we had shown him on Sunday after church. He is so excited to be in the "butterfly" room. He made himself comfortable playing and, well, ignoring us! The teacher told us we could stay for about 20 minutes but it was very clear that Gio would benefit from us leaving pretty quickly. I think we were in the room for a total of 3-4 minutes. We didn't have to rush off to work or errands or appointments, he is not even four and was ready to get rid of his parents.
His parents and his brother, on the other hand, weren't so ready to leave him. While I was worried about how I wold handle this transition (just fine by the way), I was really worried about M.His brother is a part of him, they do everything together, and M knows no life without him. He cannot say his name correctly quite yet but walks around calling for "bo bo" and it really does just break your heart to hear the sadness in his voice. Thankfully, that same sadness is replaced with joy and love when he sees him come to the car when we pick-him up!
This is definitely not the first transition for this little boy, but if he handles the rest as well as he handled this one, we will have smooth sailing ahead. We look forward to so many more wonderful adventures ahead!

17 August 2011

For those of you who wonder why I'm so tired

Rodeo Time

We moved to Texas on March 7, 2010. It has taken us 1 year and 5 months to take these little (city) cowboys to a Rodeo and it was definitely worth the wait.
While Bryan was tired of my Sea World, Zoo, Farmers Market suggestions, I asked him to pick our Saturday activity, and what a good pick it was!
We went to Tejas Rodeo in Bulverde and it was, in my opinion, one of the nicest outings we have had in the past year (and 5 months). The boys saw mutton busting, roping, bull riding, and more. Gio even had the exciting opportunity to run into the arena and catch a calf. He was a little late to the party as Bryan and I looked at eachother and said "no, next time" but then said "why not". So at last call, we rushed our feisty three year old to the arena and he ran to catch the other kids, oh, I mean the calf! However, he was so far behind, the calves were running away from the other kids, and right at him! He is so brave, he was not even phased by the thought of those calves running towards him. He was at the Rodeo!! He just kept running as fast as he could... in his Toy Story boots...in the dirt... He wasn't running that fast, but he was trying, and finding such joy in it..as were his parents and his sweet brother looking on at him.
At a time of the day when both kids would normally fall right asleep, they were awake for the 20 minute car ride home, watching the full moon become more visible through the clouds. Little guy clung to his football and his sippy cup pretending to rope (somehow, I'm not sure how that was even possible) and Big guy filled with excitement talking about his first rodeo. What a memory for us all. Let's hope it doesn't take 1 year and 5 months until we go again.

22 July 2011

and we're back..

we have had a whirlwind of a summer...starting with a trip to Chicago in late May, a drive to Arizona in early June followed by a flight to Chicago and finally a flight back to San Antonio 27 after leaving. This mom was ti-ired.
I feel as though our children are only 3 and 1, they are professional travelers. Most of our travels to see our family in Indiana involve just the three of us and we make the most of it every step and mile along the way. M is a little tricky on planes as he is still a lap child and is wild trying to climb over his brother, sit with his brother, poke his brother in the face.... Thankfully, he is also our child who likes to cuddle so when he's tired, he is pretty comfy on his momma. I, on the other hand, try to find a balance of savoring these sweet moments and seeing if i can read a book, magazine, or the the airplane safety guidelines with one hand to tr
y and pass the time. G is a breeze. He loves his snacks, stickers, books, and of course, his portable dvd player....and I will admit that I love it, too. He does not, however, love when our flight is delayed and we arrive in Chicago at 2:30am and he has to walk across the entire terminal because I can't hold him and push the stroller. While I'm still annoyed that Midway put us at the very. last. gate. I will be buying a double umbrella stroller before traveling again even though we will probably never need it.
While I'll never be able to write about all of the beautiful memories we made along the trip, there are just a few to cover here....in reverse..oops..
Best. Parade. Ever!!!
First treat from the ice cream truck
Definitely not his first treat from Dairy Belle
Two monkeys in Flagstaff
While he wanted to go up the mountain, we figured it best to just enjoy the scenery. Maybe when he is four.
Celebrated his 18 month milestone on the road to Arizona...
Had to take the same pic he took with the big bro..who wasn't too happy to not be included!

08 April 2011

Happy Day!

I didn't go on a fancy trip. I went to the playground.
I didn't go out for a fancy dinner. I made pasta for my family.
(we did have a lovely dinner with bryan's parents the night before..hence the sombrero)
I didn't have an elaborate celebration. My 3 year-old decorated for me.
(we did enjoy a cupcake treat--miss you gigi)
I did however, enjoy every minute of my crazy life with my active boys. Being their mom is the greatest gift I could have ever asked for in this life.
I'm so blessed to have an amazing family and sweet friends who called or sent cards with beautiful words that I will treasure always.
A birthday is just another day. Another day to count my blessings and be grateful for the many treasures in my life.
Disclaimer: I know the the boys were not given equal screen time but as you can tell by the expression on Gio's face-he wasn't into pictures this day.

02 April 2011

Oh Boy!!

Sometimes, in the midst of a crazy day, I stop and think to myself "do I really have TWO boys?" and "How can one child get this dirty?" Dirt and cleaning aside, it is so fun to see these little boys grow. I grew up playing with cabbage patch dolls and throwing softball and I am not accustomed to the tackling non-stop or being knee deep in a pile of mud. My sisters and I did have our fair share of tackling and fighting, but I'm not sure if it started as young as 15 months!!
As I am from a family with three girls with one poor, poor outnumbered brother, this is a whole new world of trucks and dinosaurs for me. I sometimes have to get children's books from the library just so I can keep up with them! I read these while I sip my 2nd, 3rd, or 4th cup of coffee that I need just to keep up with them. They do keep me feeling young at heart (either that or the coffee) but most nights I feel much, much older, but I'm pretty sure it is worth it.
With the ridiculously warm weather (ummm, it was only 93 degrees last week) and Bryan's parents preparing to do some major yard work, we had fun in the sun, the dirt, and the mud. They were fascinated with the idea of mud. They do love digging in the dirt but the addition of water made it extra special. These boys are filthy...and couldn't be happier! I just can't wait to teach them how to do their own laundry!!

25 March 2011

Great Days

I find that I have the best days with my boys when we are doing such simple things like cuddling, chasing, tickling, and laughing. What is not to love about two boys laughing together? When I see them look at one another, I can see the love they share and a lifetime of adventures they are going to have. I am so excited to watch their relationship grow...and we're just getting started.
Thursday was a great day. We celebrated Gio's awesome listening and making his bed without being asked (lets hope he never asks us why we don't make our bed) We went on a little adventure to the Shops at La Cantera in San Antonio, a great outdoor shopping area that reminds me of Mt. Lebanon's Galleria but outdoors. We loved playing at the fountains, the playground, going to storytime AND a special lunch treat a chic-fil-a. It was lunch, I had to feed my children, and I needed a strawberry shake!! Alas, we came home, we napped, we had a great day. Of course, I don't take pictures of this portion of our great day, I take pictures of this: and this They were waking from naptime, relaxing with an afternoon show because after waking Gio up at 4:30 so he doesn't stay up until midnight, I thought it was the least I could do for him. The poor child. Pants are optional for my boys most days between the hours of 1:30-4:30..and when they play in the sand...and when we paint...the list goes on. Even watching Yo Gabba Gabba with my sleepy faced boys makes any day a great day!

17 March 2011

Top o' the mornin'

I've been trying to do the math in my head, but I'll just say that because Vivian's Great-Grandparents came to the United States from Ireland, that makes our boys, a weee bit Irish and very glad to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Gio woke up wishing me a Happy St. Patrick's Day, followed by "what do we do on St. Patrick's Day?" Well, this little family headed to the park for some running and playing. Running and playing is essential for days when your oldest child says things like "I am so fwustwated that you won't wet me watch tv" and "it is so bowing when I don't watch tv"! Wow! Obviously I have never been a parent to a 3 year-old before, but he takes me by surprise daily! We bought his Leprechaun attire before Valentine's Day (darn those Michael's coupons) and I'm just amazed we still had all of the pieces in tact for St. Patrick's Day. The excitement that he once had for his leprechaun "suit" has died down a bit but he still looks so adorable. I tried to take pictures of them in their matching little leprechaun shirts but as you can see, we weren't very successful. However, I'm so glad to have had the camera in hand when they were, well, walking hand-in-hand down the sidewalk. It is moments like these that melt my heart. I don't think they have ever really walked like this yet but their brotherly love is so evident. Shortly after this picture, M fell down and Gio helped him up but while doing so, he fell down and M helped him up. There are crazy minutes, hours, days, but experiencing these moments makes every "fwustwating" aspect of life with two boys so very worth it and so very not "bowing"

09 March 2011

2nd child syndrome

I believe this pictures marks the 39th consecutive month that I have been taking pictures for my boys. This month, Max's 15-month photo, marks the very 1st time our paparazzi session ended with just one little picture. Thankfully, Max is very photogenic and I got a decent one on the first shot...but I will add the allotted funds to his therapy savings account I have started in his name. Max and I had a few minutes of quiet as Gio went with Bryan's parents to run some errands. I gathered the child, printed the sign, remembered the tape and the camera-all on the first attempt (which is a big deal for me). Once we went outside to take advantage of the beautiful Texas March weather, it all went down hill. Max is doing this glorious thing called walking and it brings so much joy to watch him explore this new world. It also means this tree worked well to pose him for photos in the months past, but not this one because when he is looking at the camera, he is also looking at a large dirt mound filled with bright yellow trucks and shovels and plenty of toys for little boys. As you can see, the sign fell right down (it was too windy for tape) so I tried to take Max inside to find something stronger to hold it up. Well, not only is he walking, but his is also using every bit of his energy and will to let you know when he does not want to be held. Usually, I can hold on tight but not today where I'm walking around like the Hunchback of Notre Dame because I hurt my back...again. Thankfully, I am saved and my 3 year old comes home and I have the great idea that he will 'help' me take Max's picture and stand behind me to make him laugh. Just writing this makes me laugh because, let's be honest, what was I thinking? Within seconds, Max is heading in one direction, Gio in the other, and I was too tired to try anymore. That, and I couldn't keep up with either one of them! So, to my little Max. I'm sorry you're not smiling in this picture--I'll try harder in April--I promise!

09 February 2011

Two boys

It is truly a blessing to see these boys grow up right in front of our eyes. Although this little family of four has faced many challenges this past year, we are given joy every day to now watch these two interact with one another, love one another, and see a glimpse into our very busy future. Well, lets be honest, the present is pretty busy, too!!!
Max is learning to walk and no one is more proud than his big brother. Here's a clip we caught while waiting for daddy to return from a long day. Wish he was here to see this!

04 February 2011

This past week

has been quite eventful. With a gorgeous day in San Antonio last Friday, I took the boys to the Botanical Gardens. I found it to be quite lovely and even in January, there was quite a bit to walk around and see. I'm not sure how lovely Max thought it was, he could have really been bored out of his mind but he never let me know. As always, he was smiling, pointing and exploring his new surroundings. Gio, on the otherhand was quickly bored of walking around the paths. I could sense his boredom and asked if he was having fun. His response: No mommy, when will you take me to the kid toys? I certainly didn't want a bored Gio to turn into a cranky Gio so we continued our adventure at the zoo. Since Bryan had pretty much worked every day since returning to Texas from the holidays, we were able to meet up with him on his lunch break and enjoy San Antonio in January.
Here's a few pics of that beautiful day:
Now, fast forward a week to chillier days. We laughed when people acted as though it was cold out (not in their faces, of course). Hellooo, these boys were born in Pittsburgh in November and December. We can do winter but this is really Fall weather in the midwest. We made it out to the zoo again this week We were pleasantly surprised to wake this morning up to see snow on the ground AND Bryan home on a snow day. When I say 'snow', I mean that the streets and sidewalks were covered but the grass was dusted. However, ,it is a big deal here so everything was shut down and it was a fun time for us. We had great fun playing in the snow and I think Gio made 15 snow angels on the driveway. Both boys enjoyed being able to play in the street-what a treat!
Bryan was home until 2pm but being the responsible employee that he is, went in to work for the remainder of the day as the ice was thawed by that point and the highways re-opened. We had a delightful time playing in the snow as Gio misses it tremendously and his mom does, too! I really enjoyed a quiet snow day, especially when we least expected it! These boys couldn't look any happier!

31 January 2011

Some days I struggle to accept our surroundings here in San Antonio. In my defense, we have a home in Pittsburgh that we fell in love with as soon as we saw it....and we're still paying for it. This home welcomed our two little boys into this world and was the place where we became a family of three and now four. I try to focus on the many blessings in our lives but some days are easier than others. Yesterday, however, was not one of those days. It was 80 degrees in San Antonio. It was January 30! We had a beautiful day taking a sunny ride to Boerne, a little town about 40 minutes away. We ate lunch outside and Gio was even able to feed some ducks at the river across the street. Right now, I'm taking the time to remember yesterday and make new memories today.

23 January 2011

Here We Go Steelers, Here We Go!

I remember our first winter in Pittsburgh, the Bears went to the Superbowl against the Colts and I made my Blue and Orange cupcakes for work and donned my Orange skirt to the office and no one else really cared. I wasn't quite ready to be a Steelers fan but I knew it would come with time. Come on, our first born was born on a Monday night Steelers game--it was inevitable!!
Today, just a few short years later, my two boys and I wore our Bears apparel, only to be disappointed. NOTE: if we actually HAD Steelers apparel they would wear that, too, but their grandparents do not live in the 'burgh therefore don't buy Steelers jerseys!! Gio did wave his terrible towel before calling it a night! Although I simply respond to Gio's desire to move back to his house in Pittsburgh with an 'I'm sorry, honey'...I would love to be there now to cheer them on!!!!
Gio cannot wait for Max to be old enough to tackle him, but he is pretty tricky and walks up to Max like he will give him a great big bear hug, which undoubtedly turns into a tackle!!

A New Year, A New Day

I cannot believe that we are, for the most part, well into this new year full of so much potential. We began our new year with a trip to the pediatrician for Max who caught his brother's cough but it was a little bit more rough on him. I'm always worried that the RSV he had last year at this time will make him more prone to respiratory infections--and I was right. Poor little guy has Bronchiolitis, the children's form of bronchitis. He was given a nebulizer and we had to give him treatments for four days and the doc. thought he should have improved at that point. Unfortunately, he didn't really improve so we headed back to see the doctor who also prescribed an oral steroid to help his lungs open up. He began to improve but also began to despise the breathing treatments. He would not let me near him with the little mask and it became quite the struggle and stress for us all. As a mom, there is not much worse than seeing your child in pain and it broke my heart to see him struggle to return to better health. We returned to the pediatrician on Friday and the good news is that his lungs sound much better and we can start to do without the treatments but he has a new ear infection. This is his very first ear infection and I'm just so glad we lasted almost 14 months without one of those. Big brother was a little jealous that he wasn't checked by the doctor because cough, cough he didn't feel well either. Well, wouldn't you know, the perfectly healthy boy woke up Saturday with a horrible cough and coughed so much, he made himself sick. Pobrecito Gio. Today as I type, Max is napping and Gio is enjoying his nickjr marathon. He is a good sport and no matter how much I try to put him through a tv detox session, he is quiet, resting, drinking, and recovering from a really crummy night--something we both need. Unfortunately, this crazy month comes for us on the homestead while Bryan's job is equally, if not moreso, crazy. He is putting in long hours, sometimes not seeing the kids at all in a given day, but working hard to support our family and we all appreciate that very, very much. Every day is a new day and we are working very hard to make the most of it, embrace this special time with our beautiful boys. Even if that special time comes as a quiet moment to stop and watch them sleep, every moment is a special one.