17 March 2011

Top o' the mornin'

I've been trying to do the math in my head, but I'll just say that because Vivian's Great-Grandparents came to the United States from Ireland, that makes our boys, a weee bit Irish and very glad to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Gio woke up wishing me a Happy St. Patrick's Day, followed by "what do we do on St. Patrick's Day?" Well, this little family headed to the park for some running and playing. Running and playing is essential for days when your oldest child says things like "I am so fwustwated that you won't wet me watch tv" and "it is so bowing when I don't watch tv"! Wow! Obviously I have never been a parent to a 3 year-old before, but he takes me by surprise daily! We bought his Leprechaun attire before Valentine's Day (darn those Michael's coupons) and I'm just amazed we still had all of the pieces in tact for St. Patrick's Day. The excitement that he once had for his leprechaun "suit" has died down a bit but he still looks so adorable. I tried to take pictures of them in their matching little leprechaun shirts but as you can see, we weren't very successful. However, I'm so glad to have had the camera in hand when they were, well, walking hand-in-hand down the sidewalk. It is moments like these that melt my heart. I don't think they have ever really walked like this yet but their brotherly love is so evident. Shortly after this picture, M fell down and Gio helped him up but while doing so, he fell down and M helped him up. There are crazy minutes, hours, days, but experiencing these moments makes every "fwustwating" aspect of life with two boys so very worth it and so very not "bowing"

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